<aside> 💡 Project Kickoff Plan 2023. The main goal of authoring this kind of document is to synthesize everything into a full narrative instead of just graphics, simple bullet points, or fragmented docs. Since it’s difficult to sum up the contextual information like data, graphs, or examples in narrative form, you can add it to the end of the document in an appendix. Keep in mind this document is incomplete and needs a few more rounds of revision.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

<aside> 💡 Think of this as the overview, This needs to set up precisely what the material is going to cover and to inherently state the general direction of where the document plans on going.


Describe overview of the project…

Why now? 🤔

<aside> 💡 Summarize by explaining why we should pursue this project now and how this might align with our overall business goals and objectives. Hypothesis format — If we…then we will increase x by …


Lorem ipsum..

2. Goals

<aside> 💡 List right up front what the metrics for success are so we can use them as a lens to see the remaining document through.


In 2023 we want to focus on and achieve the following goals:

  1. Goal

3. Tenants

<aside> 💡 This is a very Amazon thing where every action has some clearly define north star. There are a lot of ways to word these. Generally, they are inspirational pillars that the rest of the plan sits on top of (go with me on this one).


4. State of the business & Lessons learned

<aside> 💡 This section will outline the current state of the business and its influence over creating the goals you need to achieve. It should be a detailed enough snapshot to give the reader all of the data they need to understand the positive and negatives activities in the prior period. There needs to be a lot of detail here, which sets up the points to compare against in the next section. T


5. Strategic Priorities